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more about British Indian Ocean Territory

British Indian Ocean Territory facts
British Indian Ocean Territory info

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The climate of British Indian Ocean Territory (United Kingdom)
The British Indian Ocean Territory is situated in the Indian Ocean between Africa and Indonesia. This British overseas territory consists of 7 atolls and the largest and most important island of Diego Garcia. The atolls are a part of the Chagos archipelago which consists of 7 atolls, about 60 islands and more than 2,000 smaller rocks or mini islands. Since the 1970s there has been a military base belonging to both the British and the Americans on Diego Garcia. The islands have a population of about 4,000 including military personnel stationed on the base. The only airport of this atoll is also situated on the military basis. The other islands which are part of the British Indian Ocean territory are: Salomon Island, Danger Island, Nelson’s Island, Eagle Island, Three Brothers, Peros Banhas and Egmont Island. The airport on the military base is also the only paved road on the islands. In an emergency situation it may function as an emergency landing place for the space shuttle. Tourists mainly travel here to enjoy the beautiful beaches and the beautiful scenery. The underwater life here is nothing short of unbelievably beautiful. The only way to reach the island is by boat.
The British Indian Ocean Territory has a tropical maritime climate influenced by the Indian Ocean. Temperatures are high all year round. Average annual precipitation figures are high as well. The islands are constantly influenced by the trade wind that blows here. Because of high temperatures in combination with high precipitation figures humidity figures are high as well. However, humidity figures are tempered by the trade winds. From December till May there is a risk of tropical storms and hurricanes.


Climate figures
The figures below are based on long term weather and climate records. They are an average for the British Indian Ocean Territory

temperature (°C)


temperature (°C)
hours of sunshine

average days with precipitation
per month
per month
temperature (°C)
January 29 24 7 22 28
February 30 25 8 21 28
March 30 25 8 18 28
April 30 25 9 17 28
May 30 25 8 15 28
June 29 24 8 15 28
July 29 23 7 13 28
August 28 23 8 14 27
September 28 23 8 15 27
October 29 24 9 16 27
November 29 24 10 22 27
December 29 24 8 24 28
= 0-5 mm ● = 6-30 mm ● = 31-60 mm ● = 61-100 mm ● = 101-200 mm ● = over 200 mm
= 0-0.2 inches ● = 0.2-1.2 inches ● = 1.2-2.4 inches ● = 2.5-4 inches ● = 4.1-8 inches ● = over 8 inches

More climate information
Climate tables are useful but they don’t give an overall picture of the climate and possible weather conditions during a period of time. How high the chances are of hot or cold weather or hurricanes can often not be found in these tables. This is why we offer extra climate information per month. The figures below are for the British Indian Ocean Territory. Please, note that local deviations may occur.

chance of
(very) hot


chance of
(very) cool
chance of

chance of
chance of
sunny days


click here for the explanation of the symbols


The information at this site was carefully composed from climate data collected by meteorological services, meteorological offices, climate experts and other sources. “More climate info” is based on statistics, climate data and personal experience. No rights can be derived from this site. Weather has no memory and gives no guaranties. Nothing is as changeable and unpredictable as the weather. The authors of this site feel in no way responsible for any damages caused by misinterpretation or other circumstances that may influence your holiday or trip to a certain destination. We provide information, it’s up to the reader to use it to it’s benefit.


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