Copyright information
The climate belongs to nobody so statistical data such as maximum
temperatures, minimum temperatures, precipitation figures, sea water
temperatures and hours of sunshine are nobody’s property. However, the
ways in which they are shown are. The tables with this information are
made by us and are consequently protected by copyright. Without the
approval of third parties are not allowed to
copy tables with data and/or other data to their own sites. This also
includes copying and changing the layout afterwards. As the developers
of this website we have made a great effort in collecting,
distributing and publishing all of these data. Should we come across
sites containing material (partially) containing material from our
site we will not hesitate to take legal action.
Making these data available
Only after our explicit approval and subject to certain conditions can
aforesaid data be used by third parties. For more information please
contact us.
All of the graphical material on this site is the intellectual
property of the owners of this website. It is not allowed to use them
on any other site than
Linking to
Linking to and its sub pages is permitted.
Making screenshots also is permitted.